I want a process so straightforward I don't even need to understand what a layer 2 is or the functions of the layer tree. I should be able to login to my wallet with Face ID and interact with dapps so smoothly I don't know the mechanics of why it is affordable and how it moves between different levels of blockchain interaction. I want to use it because it is easier and better than what I use for my assets now.

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Richard, I want to understand why you chose to build your wallet on Safari? I read an earlier blog post that it's because of Apple's commitment to privacy. However, are you worried about Apple's tendency to build closed ecosystems and they don't really seem fond of contributing towards open source code?

In my opinion, the best option is to build something on the open web that works on Chrome/Firefox/Brave etc.?

I'm curious to hear what you think about that?

A big fan of all your work and writings over the years btw. Please keep up the great work!

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